East Mautunuck Beach Pavilion aims to receive USGBC LEED silver certification.

A wind turbine, natural daylighting, solar hot water, and Clivus composting waste treatment are a few of the innovative and alternative technologies featured in the new bathhouse at East Matunuck Beach.  RI Department of Environmental Management recently replaced the outdated 1970’s masonry bathhouse with this state-of-the-art sustainable pavilion, making it one of the “greenest” state owned properties in Rhode Island.

Following its “tried and true” example at Misquamicut Beach, DEM once again specified Clivus composting waste treatment systems supplied by Clivus New England, Inc.  By replacing traditional flushing toilets with Clivus waterless fixtures and NSF Standard 41 certified composters the state will be saving over 13,000 gallons of potable water weekly, and over 225,000 gallons per season.  The resulting dramatic reduction in wastewater will greatly extend the life of the existing septic system, reduce the frequency of septic pump-outs, and will help avoid seasonal system failure that could close the area to beachgoers.  Thousands of pounds of solid waste will be treated in the composters where it will be transformed to soil-like humus suitable for ornamental gardens.  Seasonal start-up and shutdown is easy and will not adversely affect the composting process nor increase maintenance requirements.

Rated one of Rhode Island’s best beaches in Yankee Magazine (July/Aug 2011) East Matunuck is sure to be an even bigger favorite!

RI DEM aims to receive a minimum of USGBC LEED silver certification.

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