YMCA Camp Belknap adds Clivus Composting System

YMCA Camp Belknap is a boys camp founded in 1903 in Mirror Lake, NH on Lake Winnipesaukee. After a century of growth, it was time to look into upgrades with sustainability in mind. Following the reconfiguration and expansion of the Juniors Division cabin area, a new bathhouse was

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Magee Fund helps Boy Scouts improve their camps

George W. Magee Memorial Trust fund has made it possible for many Massachusetts BSA Council camps to improve their restroom facilities and bring them indoors while still preserving the natural environments of the camps.  The Clivus composting systems installed at these and many other camps use no water,

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Camp Wonderland makes old cabins new and healthy!

For several decades Salvation Army Camp Wonderland in Sharon, MA, has offered needy youngsters a chance to attend summer camp.  Located on 110 acres along the shore of Lake Massapoag, the camp maintains 16 camper and staff cabins and various other activities buildings.  Each cabin houses 12-18 campers.

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