Environmental organizations love Clivus!

Over the years various land stewardships, trusts, and conservancies have recognized the benefits of Clivus’ green technologies. The Audubon Society, The Nature Conservancy, The Aquidneck Land Trust, and US Fish and Wildlife Service are just a few organizations that are utilizing our composting waste treatment technology, some with

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WRWA: Protecting the Westport Watershed

Since 1976 Westport River Watershed Alliance (WRWA) has been committed to the preservation and protection of the Westport Watershed and the coastal environment shared by its surrounding communities in MA and RI. Upon acquiring the historic Head Garage as its intended headquarters and education center, WRWA knew that

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Squam Lakes Natural Science Center

The Squam Lakes Natural Science Center (SLNSC) in Holderness, NH, was founded in 1966, and since then visitation has grown to 61,000 annually.  With hiking trails, gardens, playground, animal preserve and zoo, interactive exhibits, environmental education, and lake cruises it is easy to find something to interest everyone.  With

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