US Coast Guard Menemsha Station Rebuilt

In 1952 the US Coast Guard moved the late-nineteenth-century Coast Guard house on Cuttyhunk Island to its Menemsha station on Martha’s Vineyard.  There the historical building remained until a devastating fire took it on July 12, 2010.

The Coast Guard promised to rebuild, incorporating modern technologies into a building that remained true to the history and character of the fishing village of Menemsha, while reducing its impact on the community.  The result was a  5000 sq. ft. building designed by Baker / Wohl Architects of Boston and built by Mortenson Construction of Minneapolis.  The interior is state-of-the-art while the exterior mirrors the classic white clapboards and red shingled, gabled roof of the original.

A Clivus composting waste treatment system with Nepon foam-flush toilets was installed to minimize water consumption and reduce solid waste and waste water output.  The system is designed to save over 35,000 gallons of water annually and puts out a much lower volume, higher quality effluent than traditional waste treatment systems.

Clivus M-10-composter printable case study